Object of the month

July 2024: The Safety Talisman

The Safety Talisman


July’s object of the month is an item that features in STEAM’s new exhibition Is It Safe?  It is a metal token that was called The Safety Talisman.  The Safety Talisman was given to every member of GWR staff in 1916 as part of the Company’s Safety Movement campaign.

The Safety Movement began in 1913 in response to the high number of accidents and fatalities amongst both staff and passengers.  The aim was to raise awareness of potential dangers on the railway and encourage safe working practices amongst staff.  A booklet titled The Safety Movement, and the GWR Magazine, were used publicise the movement to employees.  Both featured articles about safety and first aid, and included photographs of potential accidents.

The catch phrase Is-it-safe? was coined by the magazine to promote the movement and the talisman with the Is-it-safe? slogan was distributed to all staff to keep in their pocket as a constant reminder to work safely. The idea of the talisman soon spread and similar tokens were given out to British school children and even to railway and mine workers as far away as South Africa.

The Safety Movement proved very successful and as awareness of safety was raised, accidents on the railway began to fall.

STEAM’s new exhibition Is It Safe? opens at STEAM on 27th July 2024.



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