August’s Object of the Month is an exciting new addition to STEAM’s collection. It is a GWR Policeman’s helmet badge.
August 2024: GWR Policeman’s Helmet Badge
GWR established its own police force in 1835. They were responsible for maintaining law and order along the line, but one of their main jobs at this time was to assist in the movement of trains using flags and lanterns to make semaphore signals. They were in essence the first signalmen. As signalling became mechanised the police force could instead concentrate on preventing and investigating crime. In 1864 the GWR formed the first railway detective department in order to tackle the rising rate of crime on the railways.
The early railway police uniform was long frock coats and top hats, with no badges. By 1880 the instantly recognisable police helmet was introduced, adorned with a badge. The GWR Police Force was unique in having a crown on its helmet badge. Permission to use the crown was given by Queen Victoria herself, due to her being so impressed by the protection given to her by the GWR police during her first ever train journey from Slough to Paddington in 1842. The badge that we have dates from the early 1900s.
Snow Hill Station Police Force, early 1920’s
Our newly acquired helmet badge can be seen on display in our special exhibition Stop Police! The acquisition of this badge was made possible by the generous support of the Friends of Swindon Railway Museum.